Workshops and Services
I’m looking forward to working together. I learn so much when we do! When we work from oneness we inter-discover new pieces of a new economy. Please don't hesitate to reach out directly.
By workshop I mean a collective work that involves the heart, not only the intellect, and which is long enough to forget about daily routines. The point is to create the conditions so that we can deal with what matters in our hearts. The underlying understanding is that any economic answer one might be looking after, can (and must) be dealt with first within the heart. The methodology is fundamentally oneness and trust.
The basic vision principles are as follow:
Any human being is made of goodness: there is no need to fix it.
Life is wonderful: there is no need to improve it.
Respect to the divine center of every person.
What happens in a workshop will largely depend on the particular needs, aims, dreams and talents in the hearts of the participants. Thus, no two workshops are the same. Often, particular details of the design of a workshop show up when we start talking about it.
I have two commonly offered workshops:
Common Workshops
Custom Workshops
In addition to the already designed workshops I offer custom made workshops tailored to the particular needs of a particular group of people, whom might be facing an economic dilemma or share a collective goal or dream. For example, the Loom Integration workshop began as a custom workshop. These custom tailored workshops naturally emerge from our pre-conversations, when I am able to see how I can meet the group’s needs. They can be online, and we usually follow 3 steps:
Integration of the experience the group has had so far.
Diagnosis of current state.
Your own answers and conclusions emerge, individually and collectively.
See an example of a custom made workshop
Some pieces of internal economics are very personal in nature. Whenever there is a genuine search it is a big privilege for me to accompany someone finding his/her own answers. Whatever economic dilemma, project or dream you might have, the key is to dive deep into the heart. For this reason I want to respectfully ask you to trust me.
Public Speaking
Nowadays there is a growing space for out-of-the-box visions like Economia Sagrada. It is an honor to speak to an audience and often say anything but what the audience expects me to say, while at the same time noticing how much today people are willing to listen a message resonates inside but does not fit in the cultural context. Even then, me and audience we do it together (often by myself I have no idea what to say).
Who I work with
Any person, any group
The vision of economia sagrada is profoundly helpful to work with any person or group facing an economic question, conflict, or project. Where by “economic” I mean a lot more than what is usually understood. Recall economics is really the caretaking of our home, and certainly not only about money.
The vision of Economia Sagrada is the vision of oneness, of holism, as opposed to the predominant collective neural array of separation. So actually the vision of oneness is valuable to look at any aspect of our lives. Under this vision, everything is connected. Under this vision, economics is intimately related to any other aspect of our lives, particularly our emotions, our relationships, healing, your own spiritual path and ultimately the call of your soul.
For many people the most obvious economic conflict that comes to mind right away is the lack of money, but that often falls short of deeper issues. To deal with an economic question from the point of view of economia sagrada you might have to be willing to deconstruct your question. Another economic dilemma can well be having too much money (a very difficult one requiring much respect and wisdom). Other economic conflicts can involve relationships: for example, a couple that experiences economic issues (barriers to love) in their relationship. Finally, an emerging community in search for a new way of life.
Towards a Gift Economy
In my workshops, pricing typically involves two steps.
First, I ask for a commitment fee. The commitment fee is NOT a measure of the value of my work, but rather a declaration of commitment, that assures to both parties we are doing serious work, while at the same time respecting the freedom of the spirit of the gift.
A commitment fee is a relatively low value intended so that no one is left out while at same time giving seriousness to the work. (Even then, no one is left out for lack of money). Please read Towards the Culture of The Gift I and II.
At the end of my work, attendees are invited to express their monetary gratitude in freedom. This is the second step.
In one-on-one consultations and public speaking events we talk about it. We can either use a previously defined fee or go into gift economics.

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© 2018 by Felipe Mardones. Site creation by Mighty by Design. Photo Credits Alpaca Productions